The power of a glance...

“The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories that it has come to be disbelieved. Few people daresay nowadays that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at eachother. Yet that is the way love begins, and only that way.” ~Victor Hugo

In October of 2006, Kari was living in Denver, Colorado. She was home on the east coast on a fall break. One Wednesday evening, her dear friend Rose invited her into the city to dine at the fine establishment, Rodeo Grill. Good friends, average quesadillas and great conversation. Our high school friend, William Francis Murphy IV, showed up fashionably late and brought along my future husband. We spotted each other and quickly played musical chairs...i.e. let's sit next to each other and start chatting. It was truly love at first sight.